
The SonarView BlueOS Extension is recommended on uncrewed vessels (USV, ROV) for a few key reasons:

  • SonarView's server always has a solid connection to the sonar. Packets are never dropped, even if you lose communications with the vehicle.

  • Your telemety radio or communication link will not be used for raw sonar data, leaving more bandwidth for piloting. This will increase the usable range of a wireless link.

  • Your settings will be preserved across different computers or mobile devices

  • Remote access to sonars over the internet is possible in this configuration

  1. Navigate to BlueOS Extension Store

  2. Select SonarView, and click Install

  3. The container will download and start automatically. It will appear in the left sidebar when the process completes

  4. Opening SonarView via the left sidebar will open it within the BlueOS UI Frame. SonarView can also run in an independent browser window by navigating to http://blueos.local:7077


SonarView on BlueOS differs from the desktop app

Additional Options

Some more options are available by navigating to the BlueOS Extensions tab, and selecting "Installed" on the top.

View Logs can be helpful in diagnosing issues and sharing info with support.

Edit allows you to manually choose a version of SonarView or change the path for the logging directory in the host OS. You can see all the available tags for SonarView here.


Extension Identifier: ceruleansonar.sonarview

Docker image: nicknothom/sonarview

Docker tag: 1.9.12

Original Settings / Custom Settings:

  "HostConfig": {
    "NetworkMode": "host",
    "Binds": [

Last updated