Installing Firmware
This description applies to versions of CeruleanTracker released after November 1, 2022.
CeruleanTracker provide capabilities to update firmware in functioning units (Updating Firmware in a Functioning Device), and to re-install firmware in a "bricked" device -- a device that has corrupted software and is not functioning (Installing Firmware in a Bricked Device). Bricked devices are quite rare but we provide instructions "just in case".
Cerulean updates firmware a few times per year based on bug reports and user requests for additional features. In general, you should be running the latest firmware in your device. However, you should not re-install firmware unnecessarily (failed firmware updates are the leading cause of bricked devices, usually because power was interrupted). CeruleanTracker will recommend whether or not to install firmware based on the date of the latest firmware and the date of the firmware in the device, if it can be determined automatically.
If connected to the internet, CeruleanTracker can find the latest releases of firmware and their release notes, which makes installing the latest firmware fairly easy. If not connected to the internet you can use firmware files from the latest comprehensive release for your device.
CeruleanTracker can also detect and download updates for itself, if connected to the internet.
Devices with firmware prior to November 1, 2022 may not be able to fully report their firmware dates, which may cause the installation process to run up to 60 seconds slower. Once firmware later than November 1, 2022 is installed, your device should be able to report the firmware date reliably.
When unbricking or updating firmware, CeruleanTracker will try very hard to preserve all your non-volatile memory settings. When installing firmware in a bricked unit, some non-volatile memory settings are reset to the factory default values. These include ROVL operating channels and ROVL Mk II/Mk III settings.
If ROVL RX units are interrupted during an updated and become bricked, the factory sensor calibrations may be lost. Contact Cerulean Sonar for help in restoring these.
Last updated