Math to Compass Frame Conversions

All angles are expressed in degrees.

To convert apparent bearing to the transmitter in Math coordinates to Compass coordinates, use:

[Compass] Bearing = – [Math] Azimuth

To convert true bearing to the transmitter in Math coordinates to Compass coordinates, use:

If transducer is pointed down: [Compass] Bearing = 90 – [Math] Azimuth

If transducer is pointed up: [Compass] Bearing = 90 + [Math] Azimuth

To convert world-referenced [Math] Yaw to [Compass] Heading, use:

If transducer is pointed down: [Compass] Heading = 90 – [Math] Yaw

If transducer is pointed up: [Compass] Heading = 90 + [Math] Yaw

These conversions are done internally in the receiver and both results are included in the update message as a convenience.

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