Side view of BlueROV2 Heavy with DVL (violet color) mounted using a sheet metal bracket (orange color) on the starboard side thruster deck. The advantage of this position is that it takes up quite a bit of of the minimum standoff, allowing the ROV to fly closer to the target surface.
Bottom view of Tracker 650 (violet color) mounted on thruster deck. Note the arrow is pointed to the bow (camera dome is the bow) with a 30 degree offset from directly forward. The 30 degree offset puts the B sensor cone into the optimum position to pass through the ROV frame and also resolves an interference between the cable penetrator and a thruster body. This requires a command (only one time since it will be stored in non-volatile memory) with parameters (0, 0, 30). If the DVL was flipped around to the port thruster deck the arrow would be offset from straight astern by 30 degrees and the parameters to SET-SENSOR-ORIENTATION would be (0, 0, -150).
Top view of Tracker 650 mounted on thruster deck, showing the resolved interference between the cable penetrator and a thruster body.
Iso view of Tracker 650 mounted on thruster deck. Semi-transparent cones are shown for the sensor axes.