Finding the Configuration Web Page

The configuration web page is accessed with a web browser at the default HTTP web server port 80.

First, find the IP address of the Tracker 650.

  • If you have set the static IP address of the Tracker 650, you already know what it is. It is set to from the factory, which means “use DHCP”.

  • Otherwise, if you powered the Tracker 650 up on a subnet that does not include a DHCP server, the Tracker 650 will use its fallback IP address. When shipped from the factory this is set to If you changed the fallback IP address you already know what it is.

  • If you powered the Tracker 650 up on a subnet that does include a DHCP server, you may be able to use the name "Tracker650" instead of a numeric IP address, depending om if the DHCP server accepts the Tracker 650’s suggestion of a host name.

  • Cerulean's SonarView application can also discover the IP address of the Tracker 650, as can the (now deprecated) CeruleanTracker application.

Once you have the IP address in hand, you can enter it into the address bar of a browser such as Google Chrome, for example, the following two different methods:

The configuration page should pop up, assuming:

  • The Tracker 650 is powered up

  • The Tracker 650 is in the same network as your computer

  • Your computer can access the subnet used by the Tracker 650 (some hints about this are here)

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