$DVEXT: DVL Extended Data
The $DVEXT message is output at a variable rate between 5Hz and 20 Hz.
Field | Name | DVL Notes |
v | DVL Lock | “T” DVL has lock on bottom, “F” DVL searching for bottom |
g | GPS status | “A” fresh GPS fix, “V” invalid GPS fix, “X” stale GPS fix |
abcd | Baseline IMU calibration status, undefined for IMU upgrade | a=system status digit, 0 to 3 b=gyro status digit, 0 to 3 c=accelerometer status digit, 0 to 3 d=magnetometer status digit, 0 to 3 |
r.r | Platform roll | Degrees, Vehicle Frame |
p.p | Platform pitch | Degrees, Vehicle Frame |
h.h | Platform heading | Degrees; range 0 - 360, Vehicle Frame |
k | Data skips | How many attempts made since last successful ping returns |
u.uu | Velocity up | Meters/second, positive up, do not rely on this number |
t.tt | Altitude | Meters to target surface along sensor pointing axis |
n.nnn | Velocity north | Meters/second, positive when heading north, expect noise |
e.eee | Velocity east | Meters/second, positive when heading east, expect noise |
lat | Latitude | Platform latitude in Decimal Digit (DD) format. If fresh GPS fix available, GPS value is used. If no GPS fix and DVL valid, DVL value is used. Otherwise, it’s the last computed position. |
long | Longitude | Platform longitude in Decimal Digit (DD) format. If fresh GPS fix available, GPS value is used. If no GPS fix and DVL valid, DVL value is used. Otherwise, it’s the last computed position. |
e.eee | Elapsed time | Seconds since previous EKF step |
qw | Quaterion W | Relative to sensor head; range -1 to 1; east=0, level=0 |
qx | Quaterion X | Relative to sensor head; range -1 to 1; east=0, level=0 |
qy | Quaterion Y | Relative to sensor head; range -1 to 1; east=0, level=0 |
qz | Quaterion Z | Relative to sensor head; range -1 to 1; east=0, level=0 |
ga | Channel A gain | In dB, range 6 to 66 (Ch A is Port sensor) |
gb | Channel B gain | In dB, range 6 to 66 (Ch B is Stern sensor) |
gc | Channel C gain | In dB, range 6 to 66 (Ch C is Starboard sensor) |
gd | Channel D gain | In dB, range 6 to 66 (Ch D is Bow sensor) |
la | Channel A lock | T or F, getting valid return from the bottom |
lb | Channel B lock | T or F, getting valid return from the bottom |
lc | Channel C lock | T or F, getting valid return from the bottom |
ld | Channel D lock | T or F, getting valid return from the bottom |
va | Channel A velocity | In meters/second |
vb | Channel B velocity | In meters/second |
vc | Channel C velocity | In meters/second |
vd | Channel D velocity | In meters/second |
ra | Channel A range | In meters |
rb | Channel B range | In meters |
rc | Channel C range | In meters |
rd | Channel D range | In meters |
* | End of fields |
hh | Checksum | NMEA standard |
Notes on fields:
Look at DVL lock status before using altitudes, velocities, or ranges. If not locked, these values may be bogus.
See the section on baseline IMU calibration for an explanation of IMU statuses.
The GPS status field indicates if the GPS fix is fresh enough to use. A fix is “fresh” for 1.5 seconds after receipt AND it has a data status field of “A”. A GPS $GPRMC fix can come in the optional GPS serial port, or the Ethernet or serial command interface. A SET-POSITION command counts as a GPS fix and is fresh for 1.5 seconds. The GPS fix is invalid if the message’s data status field is “V”. If no fixes have been received for 10 seconds the GPS is considered unconnected.
See Appendix on coordinate frames for definitions of roll, pitch, heading, and quaternion.
The Velocity Up and Altitude fields are outputs of the sensor fusion process and are optimized for the DVL process and not for maneuvering or control. The Velocity Up is more like the velocity at which distance is changing between the DVL and the bottom, as the bottom undulates and the ROV shifts up and down, which of both affect Up/Altitude. Altitude is the approximate distance to the reflecting surface along the sensor’s pointing axis, even if the sensor is pointed sideways or upward. Altitude is also affected by the flatness of the bottom and other factors like submerged vegetation. The DVL altitude mechanism is optimized for finding coherent signal returns. Don’t rely on Altitude as a sounder substitute. For sounding, use something optimized for true bottom finding directly below.
Elapsed time is intended to be used if you are integrating your own positions.
Quaternion is defined in the Appendix on coordinate frames.
Sensor range and velocity are defined along the sensor beam axis for the four sensors. These values are unfiltered. See the DVL head mounting diagram for bow, stern, starboard, port. The channels are mapped as follows: Channel A = Port, Channel B = Stern, Channel C = Starboard, Channel D = Bow.
Last updated