General Specifications
Maximum Depth Rating, Sensor Head
300 m
Volume, Sensor Head
100 ml
Mass, Sensor Head
130 gm
Volume, Optional Enclosure
480 ml
Volume, All-in-One System
518 ml
Mass, Electronics Stack
115 gm
Mass, Optional Enclosure with Electronics Stack
665 gm
Mass, All-in-One System
730 gm
Maximum Operating Height (Altitude above seabed)*
40 m
Minimum Operating Height
30 cm
Maximum Operating Speed
8 kts
Dead Reckoning Circular Error Probable (CEP)
(CEP = median expected error)
5% distance traveled
Angular Operating Envelope, Degrees off vertical
0 to 20 degrees
Ping Frequency
675 kHz
Ping Repetition Rate
5 – 20 Hz
V-in power Voltage Min and Max
12V to 28V DC
V-in power average
(power averaged over 1 second)
12V to 24V DC
8 watts average
V-in Current, peak (largest current spike during operation irrespective of voltage)
1.2 Amperes
Serial Comms Voltage Levels
3.3V TTL or
5V TTL, auto-sense
Serial parameters, default
115,200, 8 , N, 1
Ethernet support
10/100 Mbps
*Achieved maximum height is dependent on several variables, including tilt of the sensor head, flatness of the bottom, hardness of the bottom, vegetation cover on the bottom, and salinity. On a hard-bottom body of water such as Lake Superior, we regularly achieve 40+ meters. On a muck-bottom lake such as Lake Minnetonka, we sometimes struggle to get 20 meters. Hard-packed sand bottoms tend to be somewhere in between those extremes.
Last updated